Guard Dog Security Services And Handling Team

If you hire our skilled guard dog security services, your business, fair, or event will be safer than ever. Because our professionally trained security dogs and their handlers are so successful at keeping people away, we don’t need as many people to do static guarding.

Guard Dog Security Services – Safeguarding Your Business, Festival, or Event

Static Dogs

Our static dog units provide a reliable solution for on-site security by delivering thorough protection for any assignment. Moreover, These dogs are highly trained in

  • Monitoring of articles
  • Conducting searches
  • Identify and determine
  • Operational activities
  • Handler safeguarding

Moreover, Our Enforce security teams provide a dependable and economical solution for securing your premises.

Detection Dogs

Drug Detection: Our highly trained drug detection dogs can be used for either passive or proactive assignments. We can also provide drug awareness education demonstrations to schools or other vulnerable groups. All of our drug detection handlers maintain standard CRB checks.
In addition to this, we also provide a pub watch scheme, using trained drug detection dogs to identify the presence of illegal substances on your premises, or simply act as a deterrent to potential drug use in your establishment.

Explosive Detection: These dogs receive specialist training on particular substances that make up the composition of explosives. Some of these dogs have been trained to detect flares.
Our detection dogs undergo continuous training to ensure their results are at the highest level, whilst working discreetly to guarantee the public does not feel intimidated by the dog’s presence.

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